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Clayton-King, Lindsey

Hello Randolph Heights Families and Friends! I'm Ms. C, and I'm so honored to be the newest member of our amazing kindergarten team. Teaching is my joy and passion! I completed my undergraduate education at Lake Forest College where I earned a Bacheleor's Degree in Elementary Education and Studio Art before receiving my Master's Degree in Education from the University of St. Thomas. Go Tommies!

While I have had experience teaching 1st, 2nd, and 8th grade as well as High School, kindergarten is my favorite, and it is where I have spent most of my career. There is just something so magical about kindergarteners! It's such a special time in a child's life for friendship, discovery, and exploration. Everyday is a new adventure!

When I'm not at school, with my family is my favorite place to be! I have a fabulously fun husband, Andy, and three incredible, wonderful, delightful daughters: Autumn, Emily, and Abby. We love to do just about everything together: play games, watch movies, ride bikes, hike, cook, and walk our dogs.  We have two precious dogs; Lucky and Tony, and a sweet little kitty named Tonx. We live right in the neighborhood, so hopefully we will see you on a dog walk! I enjoy reading books, practicing yoga, and taking my paddleboard out on one of Minnesota's many beautiful lakes. I'm really looking forward to getting to know all of you! 

Welcome to Kindergarten!

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