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Procedures For Picking Up Students In Vehicles

Please Follow These Procedures To Keep Everyone Safe!

Dear Parents and Families Who Pick Up Children At Dismissal Time:


Any time we mix moving vehicles with about 200 children, and add in some snow and ice on a narrow city street, it’s a potentially dangerous and frustrating situation. We have given the system a lot of thought, and we ask you to help us keep the process easier and safer for everyone by following these procedures:

  • Do not park your car on the south side of Wellesley during pickup time. This includes Discovery Club pickup.
  • When you turn onto Wellesley Ave from Hamline, pull to the curb line as soon as possible. Do not proceed further down and then try to pull in.
  • Pull all the way to the curb so that cars can still pass. Students will not be allowed to go between parked cars or cross the street without an adult to get to the vehicle.
  • If you are waiting for your child, please pull forward as cars leave to make room for others.
  • Please remain in your car so you can pull forward as necessary. If you need to help with seat belts, step out of the car only when your child is ready to get in.
  • If you wish to park or get out of your car, please park on the north side of Wellesley or on Syndicate.
  • If there is a teacher directing traffic, please follow their directions.
  • Once your child is seated and buckled, please pull away to make room for another vehicle.
  • Above all else, stay calm don’t get angry. In enforcing these rules, our staff members are only looking out for your child’s safety.

Thank you very much for your help. With everyone working together we can ensure that dismissal is as safe and efficient as possible.