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Welcome to Kindergarten with Ms. Clayton-King, Mrs. Dochniak & Ms. Nelson. Collectively, we have 60+ years in education. Beyond being knowledgeable about early literacy, math skills and the developmental milestones of 5 and 6 year olds, we have expertise in tying shoes, keeping track of lost teeth and honoring a birthday almost weekly.

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Randolph Heights All-Day Kindergarten...

Children grow socially and personally through community building activities and play times. This learning is coupled with rigorous academics in the curricular areas of Math, Reading, Writing, World History and Geography. Specialist teachers work in partnership with us to round out our curriculum in Art, Physical Education and Science and Technology.

Memories begin in Kindergarten with field trips to the Apple Orchard, Gibbs History Farm, The Firefighters Hall & Museum & the Zoo. Annual Kindergarten favorites include the Cinderella Ball and a Valentine Program. Please view the Special Event and Field Trip information below to learn more about the FUN things your children will do this year.

Daily Schedule

7:15 to 7:45

Breakfast & Arrival Activities

7:45 to 8:05

Morning Meeting

8:05 to 8:35

Literacy Skills

8:35 to 9:35

Reader's Workshop 

9:35 to 10:30

Writing/ Social Studies

10:35 to 11:05 


11:05 to 11:25

Math Review

11:25 to 12:15

Prep (Art, Science, Phy Ed)

12:15 to 1:05 


1:05 to 1:45  

Library/ Choice Time

1:45 to 1:55

Get Ready for Dismissal




Randolph Heights All-Day Kindergarten has a school year packed with enjoyable and enriching experiences. Our Core Knowledge curriculum expands student knowledge of our world to include historical figures, American monuments and symbols, world geography, as well as a broad repertoire of literature and poetry. The Reader's and Writer's Workshop models meet each child at their individual level and encourages them to develop to their fullest. Children enjoy the hands-on, thought-enducing activities associated with our HMH Into Math program.

Field Trips

We visit the following locations during the Kindergarten year:

  • Apple Orchard/Pumpkin Patch: Aamodt's Apple Farm in October
  • Gibbs Museum of Pioneer & Dakotah Life:  November 
  • Neighborhood Bird Walk: Late April


We have many opportunities for parents and others to come help us.  Teachers coordinate volunteers for in-class help.

School Wide Opportunities

Book Club Program

This is a special program in which volunteers come to the library to help children learn to read. Volunteers are needed on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.  Please contact Sharon Hubbard in the library to find out more about this important program at Randolph Heights.


Randolph Heights prides itself in an active parent involvement committee that has a long history of supporting classrooms through many annual events.  Please contact the PTA through the main RH website to find out how to join this group. 

Special Events

Beyond the fabulous school-wide events, the kindergartners have some very special events of their own.

Valentine’s Day Concert

The kindergartners invite their family and friends to a special evening performance in which they sing songs and recite poems about love. The children work very hard in the weeks prior to the event to make it a truly special occasion.

Author's Publishing Celebration

Throughout the school year the children publish material that they have written. The first publishing is a functional writing, the second is a narrative story from their life, the third is poetry and the final piece is non-fiction. We celebrate our accomplishments during the school day. Other published pieces will come home as they are completed.

Book Club

The children are so excited about their newest adventure--READING!!
Book Club program begins in February for Kindergarten. They will begin reading books both at home and with wonderful community volunteers. During the school day, kids will read one-on-one with a volunteer, three times a week for 15 minutes. You will be amazed at how quickly the students progress in their reading skills.

Cinderella Ball

After having studied Cinderella stories from around the world, the children have an in-class celebration.  This happens during the school day and each Kindergartner is given a special invitation to attend the grand ball in their fancy attire.  This will be their first unchaperoned dance.  It is for students and teachers only.  

Kindergarten Teachers

Lindsey Clayton-King

Tchr - Kindergarten

Lisa Dochniak

Tchr - Kindergarten

Amie Nelson

Tchr - Kindergarten