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Accelerated Reader

At Randolph Heights Elementary all students are involved in the Accelerated Reader Program or AR for short.  Children from first grade through fifth  grade participate in this challenging reading program based on individual progress.
The beauty of this program is that it is based on a child’s individual reading ability. Students take a STAR reading test twice each school year to determine an individual reading range.  Once this is established, children select books in both fiction and nonfiction within their appropriate range.

After a student finishes a book, he/she takes a comprehension test about the book, followed by a vocabulary test. The tests are anywhere from 5 to 20 questions in length depending on the level and length of the book.  The tests are recorded online so that teachers have a complete record of what a student is reading, how well they are comprehending the content and what new vocabulary is being learned.

Parents receive a report at conferences and at the end of the year so that they can also chart their child's reading progress.

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